Feb 04, 2020 13:00
arch - partheans / persians,
catholic - church / vatican,
my dreams / my visions,
history - celts and britons,
lowest common denominator,
monty python,
arch - ancient civilisations,
documentaries - 'barbarians' (t.jones),
celtic / irish / gaellic,
arch - ancient greeks,
history - europe,
scorsese - martin,
hazard of equalisation,
jones - terry,
satire / works of satire,
crazy bald guy downstairs,
arch - rome / empire,
movies - 'silence',
movies - 'life of brian' (1979),
history - roman / holy empire,
religion - christianity - errant,
arch - celts,
arch - vandals,
girls - the bane of my existence,
tv - 'ripping yarns',
history - goths,
boring people,
arch - goths,
palin - michael palin